1. 2 packages included:
  2. Bootstrap 5 & Vue 3
  3. Bootstrap 4 & Vue 2

  4. 5000+ components
  5. Templates + plugins
  6. Premium support
  7. Lifetime usage
Examples of premium components Bootstrap 5 and Vue 3

Trusted by 2,000,000+ developers and designers

Nasa - logo
Amazon - logo
Nike - logo
Ikea - logo
KPMG - logo
Sony - logo
Unity - logo
Samsung - logo
Airbus - logo
Yahoo - logo
Deloitte - logo
GE - logo

How it works?

Developer-friendly licensing, quality maintenance ensured for small and big projects

Premium Access

12 months of support & maintenance features are included in your first purchase. If you still need them after this period you can keep subscribing in order to keep it going.

Lifetime usage

The subscription can be canceled at any time without losing the license to use premium components. Your projects won't stop working and you can keep building new ones even after you cancel.

Unlimited updates

You will have access to all updates released during your subscription - fixes, minor and even the major ones. After that you can still access the latest version released within this time window.

Features & benefits of MDB Pro

Thousands of elements included in the categories below - click on the image to view the details

Premium components



Premium support

Git access

Unlimited updates




Premium Access can be canceled any time without losing the rights to use the UI Kit itself.

Everything made within its period stays with you forever. F.e. you can use design blocks downloaded from Premium Snippets platform even after your Premium Access expires.

Packages included: bootstrap logoMDB 4 Vue & jquery logo MDB 5 Vue

Do you have any questions? Contact us

Single use


    Usage for 1 domain/app:

  1. Premium components



    Lifetime & unlimited usage of:

  1. Premium components
  2. Design blocks

+ a year of Premium Access:

  1. Unlimited updates
  2. Git repository
  3. npm installation
  4. Code examples
  5. Premium snippets
  6. Premium support



    Lifetime & unlimited usage of:

  1. Premium components
  2. Design blocks
  3. Plugins
  4. Templates

+ a year of Premium Access:

  1. Unlimited updates
  2. Git repository
  3. npm installation
  4. Code examples
  5. Premium snippets
  6. Priority support
  7. LAB access



  1. Advanced Bootstrap logo Standard
  2. Advanced jQuery logo jQuery
  3. Advanced Angular logo Angular
  4. Advanced React logo React
  5. Advanced Vue logo Vue

Team packs contain everything from the Advanced tier

3 users


4 users


5 users


More users? More versions?

Custom offer
BULK discounts

With TEAM bundles you get huge price reductions for licenses. The more developers - the greater the discount.

Git access management

Easily assign & control their access via GitLab.

License recycling

With TEAM packages you can control and re-assign licenses to new members of your team.

Package details

We included 2 UI Kits in this offer in order to cover the needs of both new & pre-existing projects

MDB 5 Vue MDB 4 Vue
This is the package for the latest & most modern Bootstrap version. Open the Release Roadmap to view current progress. Alpha versions are already out & available to test in your environment. This is the package for the previous, but still most widely used Bootstrap version. Recommended for already existing projects & environments. Already well known by developers and designers.
PRO Demo Link PRO Demo Link
Bootstrap v.5.x Bootstrap v.4.x
Material Design 2.0 Material Design 1.0
Based on Vue 3 (no jQuery) Based on Vue 2 (no jQuery)
Plugins accessible directly in the package Plugins accessible directly in the package - explore plugins
Admin Templates access via npm Admin Templates access via npm - explore templates
Premium snippets & LAB access Premium snippets access - explore snippets
Vue CLI 4 integration Vue CLI 4 integration
Composition API Options API
Design blocks available separately - explore Design Blocks -
Full consistentcy of properties, methods and variables syntax -
Support for multi-root node components -
Support for multiple v-model bindings on the same component & custom v-model modifiers -
Keys are no longer necessary on v-if/v-else/v-else-if branches since Vue now automatically generates a unique key Keys are necessary
Order of bindings for v-bind will affect the rendering result Overwriting bindings in the object
Vue installation plugin
Nuxt integration
Jest unit testing
npm installation available
access to git repo via personal GitLab tokens
pro package source code accessible
professional technical support - help directly on code

Frequently asked questions

No, you don't have to renew and you can keep using what you have forever.

A yearly payment covers only the Premium Access features.

The most important one of them is "Updates" because we are regularly adding a tone of cool stuff to the package, but instead of releasing new products every month we chose to make all of the new components, plugins & features compatible with each other and pour all of the energy into a single high-quality product.

Remember that 12 months of Premium Access is included in your first purchase but if you still need Updates, Premium Support or any other features you can renew your subscription and you will keep getting them.

For some projects the inital 12 months is enough. Developers of bigger & more complex projects usually appreciate the option to keep extending their technical support.

Yes, you can keep using them forever.

Subscription covers only the Premium Access features.

Since you won't receive updates you will have to use the components in the latest version that was available in your account, f.e. if you cancel your subscription in May and we release a new DatePicker style in June, you won't have access to the latest style but the previous one will keep working with your package.

Yes, you can keep using them forever.

Subscription covers only the Premium Access features.

Since you won't have access to premium snippets platform where they are hosted you will no longer be able to download more content but the ones that you already downloaded will stay with you forever.

With Single Use license, you can use MDB PRO in 1 project only.

1 project is a single domain or a single application.

You can have multiple subdomains.

Important: Sinlge Use license is meant mostly for static pages and simple projects so you won't receive any professional support.

Yes you will receive a discount.

If you had any of the previous MDB products you will receive a high discount for existing customers.

If you don't see your discount next to the pricing please make sure that you are logged in to your PRO account. If after login you still don't see it, please contact us.

With Priority Support your tickets will be solved first.

It's exaclty what it sounds like - your issues are prioritized before the other ones.

Priority Support is included in the Advanced & Bundle tiers, as well as in all of the team packages.

This FAQ is dedicated to questions regarding the licensing.

Check out our General FAQ and if you don't find your answers there please open a ticket on our support forum.

Didn't find your answer in the FAQ - Contact our sales team.