CLI Getting Started

MDB CLI Getting Started

Backend projects configuration:

Backend project - Node.js


Let's initialize npm project first:

              $ mdb blank init 

Specify project name and choose an npm and . You can also add other meta descriptions or accept default values.

project initalization

Open project in editor (ie. VS Code), create index.js and create your app. You can use sample code:

              const http = require("http");
              const port = 3000;
              const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
                res.statusCode = 200;
                res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
                res.end("Hello Node.JS World ");
              server.listen(port, () => {
                console.log(`Server running at port: ${port}`);


Once you finish building your project, use the following command to deploy it:

              $ mdb backend publish -p node12 

Done! Your project will be ready. If you want to check project console use mdb logs command.

Video tutorial:

Backend project - PHP


Let's initialize the project first:

              $ mdb blank init 

Specify project name and choose an npm and . You can also add other meta descriptions or accept default values.

project initalization

Open project in editor (ie. VS Code), create index.php and create your app. You can use sample code:

              <?php echo("Hello PHP World"); ?>


Once you finish building your project, use the following command to deploy it:

              $ mdb backend publish -p php7.4 

Done! Your project will be ready. If you want to check project console use mdb logs command.

Video tutorial:

Backend project - Python


Let's initialize the project first:

              $ mdb backend init

You'll be asked to choose project to initialize. There are a few starters available, but for the sake of this tutorial pick Simple Python 3 web server and hit Enter.


Once you finish building your project, use the following command to deploy it:

              $ mdb backend publish -p python3.10

Done! Your project will be ready. If you want to check project console use mdb logs command.