MDB 5 Vue Changelog

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    Version v1.14.0, released 30.05.2022

    New feature

    • Added non-invasive option to Modal

    Fixed & improved

    • Lightbox:
      • Improved closing behavior
      • Improved zooming
      • Fixed displaying wrong cursor for disabled image
      • Improved image dragging
      • Improved focus trap behavior
    • Sidenav:
      • Fixed unnecessary animation when page was loaded with a width below modeBreakpoint value
      • Fixed incorrect animation with nonSlim attribute
    • Collapse - fixed animation behavior when the element was clicked before the end of the collapse
    • Datatable - fixed displaying 1 - 10 of 0 instead of 0 of 0 in pagination
    • Stepper - improved animations when system animations are off
    • Input Mask - fixed model value being cleared after blur

    Version v1.13.0, released 09.05.2022

    Fixed & improved

    • Added autoSelect option to Select and Autocomplete
    • Synchronized .scss files with MDB Standard 4.0.0
    • Datatable - added ability to translate of word
    • Sidenav - fixed slim and side mode behavior
    • Improved Input border animation
    • Select:
      • Improved keyboard accessibility
      • Added searching by label when dropdown is open
      • Fixed dropdown rendering
    • Datepicker:
      • Improved keyboard accessibility
      • Improved validation with min/max date
      • Fixed opening with proper date

    Version v1.12.0, released 04.04.2022


    Fixed & improved

    • MDBSideNavLink to property should allow to use router's name key
    • Badges - add badge property for colors based on badge-$color classes
    • Icons - add fw property for fixed width icons
    • Timepicker - add open and close public methods
    • Timepicker - fixed jumping modal on picker close
    • Timepicker - fixed picker initial value for max and min properties
    • Datepicker - fixed disabled state
    • Datepicker - fixed updating value with empty string
    • Datepicker - clear button should reset the Datepicker state and calendar view
    • Datepicker - fixed startDate property value formatting
    • Datepicker - fixed inline modal not closing when opening non-inline version
    • Inputs - fixed init state for inputs with counter

    Version v1.11.0, released 14.03.2022


    Version v1.10.0, released 28.02.2022


    Fixed & improved

    • MDBSideNavLink to property should allow to use router's name key

    Version v1.9.0, released 17.01.2022


    Fixed & improved

    • Add on-validate event to validable form elements
    • Add horizontal MDBStepper dynamic height
    • Synchronized .scss files with MDB Standard 3.10.1


    • MDB5 docs migration from Wordpress to Hugo

    Version v1.8.0, released 20.12.2021


    Fixed & improved

    • Add watch for Datepicker's min and max properties.

    Version v1.7.0, released 22.11.2021


    • Add Admin dashboard templates

    Fixed & improved

    • Fix Sidenav links, collapse, and ripple effects on mobile devices
    • Fix static Alert observer issue
    • Update Footer documentation examples
    • Update Button group documentation examples
    • Update Input fields documentation examples and API section
    • Update List group documentation examples and API section
    • Update Modal documentation examples, API section and add focus trap handling
    • Update Sidenav API section
    • Update Tooltips, Popovers and all their dependencies to Popper.js v2
    • Synchronized .scss files with MDB Standard 3.10.0

    Version v1.6.0, released 02.11.2021


    Version v1.5.0, released 18.10.2021


    Version v1.4.0, released 04.10.2021


    Fixed & improved

    • Fix datepicker v-model value updates while typing
    • Fix datatable single select with async data
    • Fix accordion chevron icon wrong rotation

    Version v1.3.0, released 20.09.2021


    Fixed & improved

    • Fixed searching in select component on touch devices
    • Added web-types
    • Added vetur-types
    • Fixed custom attributes duplication issue

    Version v1.2.0, released 06.09.2021


    Version v1.1.0, released 23.08.2021


    Fixed & improved

    Version v1.0.0, released 28.06.2021

    New components:

    Fixed & improved

    • Lightbox: Improved mouse and touch navigation
    • Timepicker: Fixed picking '00:xx' time in 24 hours format. Added external validation by props
    • Timepicker and Datepicker: Added reactivity for v-model values
    • Datatables: Component should emit render event on every change causing rerender of the table

    Version v1.0.0 Beta 7, released 14.06.2021

    New components:

    New feature

    • Optimization
    • Synchronized .scss files with MDB Standard 3.7.1.

    Fixed & improved

    • Added v-model synchronization to Tabs and Pills components.

    Version v1.0.0 Beta 6, released 31.05.2021

    New components:

    New feature

    • Synchronized .scss files with MDB Standard 3.6.0.

    Fixed & improved

    • Added Typescript module declaration file for 'mdb-vue-ui-kit' for resolving Typescript development issue.

    Version v1.0.0 Beta 5, released 17.05.2021

    New components:

    Fixed & improved

    • Fixed horizontal scrolling in full height datatable

    Version v1.0.0 Beta 4, released 04.05.2021

    New components:


    • Added advanced modals examples

    Version v1.0.0 Beta 3, released 19.04.2021

    New components:


    • Removed extra leading zero from Timepicker minutes plate after manually typing time in input
    • Collapse in the Navbar component should properly render animation on navbar close

    Version v1.0.0 Beta 2, released 06.04.2021

    New components:

    Version v1.0.0 Beta 1, released 22.03.21

    New components:


    Input, Textarea, Checkbox, Radio

    • Simplified custom form elements validation by removing isInvalid property and using only isValid with proper value.


    • Dropdown should properly render on external target


    • Added the ability to select styling options in the basic installation mode. By default, the compiled css file is selected. In the "editable in your project (SCSS)" mode, the generator places scss files in the project and allows you to edit them.

    Version v1.0.0 Alpha 4, released 08.03.21

    New components:



    • Changed over, side and push properties into a single mode="over | side | push" property for easier mode handling.

    Input, Checkbox, Radio

    • Added properties related to validation functionality


    • Fixed Sidenav documentation examples containing improper imports
    • Fixed Dropdowns documentation examples containing improper imports
    • Fixed Modal documentation examples containing improper imports
    • Fixed open Modal not adding any padding to scrollable container od adding padding when container is not scrollable

    Version v1.0.0 Alpha 3, released 22.02.2021

    New components:

    Version v1.0.0 Alpha 2, released 25.01.2021

    New components:

    Version v1.0.0 Alpha 1, released 11.01.2021

    The initial release of MDB 5 Vue Alpha 1 integrated with MDB 5 Standard 3.0.0.

    New components:

    New sections:

    • Layout
    • Utilities
    • Content & styles