Admin Dashboard + .NET Core + ASP.NET Core
Bootstrap 5 integration with .NET Core & ASP.NET Core
MDB Integration - Admin Dashboard built with the latest Bootstrap 5, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core & Material Design
Admin Dashboard integration build with the latest Bootstrap 5, .NET Core, and ASP.NET Core. Plenty of implementation and usage options such as user roles, database configuration, and many more.
Before starting the project make sure to install the following utilities:
- .NET Core (3.1.x)
- Entity Framework Core .NET Command-line Tools (3.1.x)
- Code editor. We recommend VSCode
Once you've downloaded our template, you need to install required packages.
Navigate to your project and in your terminal run:
dotnet restore
Database configuration
1. Create a database
For our app to work properly, we need to create a MySQL database (in this example we call it dashboard, but you can change it later).
In this instruction we won't get into details about MySQL databases and how to set them up - you can learn more here:
2. Connection string
To connect with a database, we need to set up the connection string in the appsettings.json file:
"ConnectionStrings": { "AppConnection":
"server=localhost;user=test;password=test;database=dashboard" }
Replace user and password values with either your root user (not recommended!) or credentials created for this database (recommended).
Learn more about connection strings here.
3. Apply migration
Now, when everything is set, we can update the database to match our initial migration. We will be using Entity Framework Core tools from now on (learn more here).
In your terminal run:
dotnet-ef database update
Once you refresh your database, you should see 4 new tables (roles, users, traffic data and migration history).
Every time you wish to update your database (change/add model), you need to create a new migration:
dotnet-ef migrations add migrationName dotnet-ef database update
Run the application
Now it's time to run our app. In your console run the following command:
dotnet run
Note: The app will start on two ports - 5000 (http) and 5001 (https).
Our template provides several functionalities for your app out of the box:
1. Login / Logout
The application is accessible only to a logged-in user - the application uses cookies to authorize the user and check credentials (admin has additional privileges).
Logout removes cookies and redirects user to a login page.
2. Registration
You can add new users with the registration form. Although it's not possible to register several users with one email address, the email confirmation functionality is not provided.
3. User Profile
Each user can update his user profile (avatar, username, password) using forms on the User Profile page.
4. User Management (admin only)
User with the admin privileges can update information about other users. In our basic app, we can change the user's credentials.
The application seeds the default data when applying initial migration.
You can manage this data in Data/DataContext.cs
1. Users
{ name: "Admin", email: "", password: "admin", roleId: 1 }
{ name: "User", email: "", password: "user", roleId: 2 }
2. Roles
- Admin (id: 1)
- User (id: 2)
3. Traffic Data
Five randomly generated entries for General Dashboard.
Backend features
1. ORM & Models
The application uses the Entity Framework Core (MySQL). You can manage DbContext in Data/DataContext.cs
Models available in your app out of the box:
- Users
- Role
- TrafficData
2. Data Transfer Objects
Creating Data Transfer Objects is important for frontend-backend communication, as some field should not be accessible on the client-side (f.e. password).
To map easily data from Model to DTO (and another way around), define required profiles (example: Profiles/UserProfile.cs).
3. Controllers & routes
Home Controller
Rendering views / redirecting unauthorized users.
Auth Controller
Authorization management
Routes & actions:
(POST, request body: loginDTO)/auth/register
(POST, request body: createUserDTO)Logout()
Performance Controller
The controller provides data for the Dashboard View.
(POST) - adds randomly generated entry to the traffic data table
Frontend features
Views for your application:
- Index - Login / Register form
- Dashboard - General Dashboard
- UserManagement - Admin panel
- UserProfile - User info & password management
2. Layouts
There are two layouts included in the project:
- Layout (main layout for authorized users)
- LoginLayout (layout for unlogged user, without navigation)
3. wwwroot folder
- additional files, for example default avatar/mdb
- MDB 5 files/js
- js files for viewslayout.css
- custom css for layouts