Is MDB 5 stable and ready to use in production?
Yes, MDB 5 is stable and ready to use in production.
In MDB 5, we mostly use our own solutions, taking from Bootstrap only what is stable and tested.
Our goal was to use all the most popular and stable features of Bootstrap, but at the same time not to rely entirely on Bootstrap itself and build as many of our own solutions as possible.
Together with dozens of our beta testers and the most trusted customers, we have been testing MDB 5 for many months. To be absolutely sure of the stability, we released 4 Alpha and 2 Beta versions before announcing the stable version.
Thanks to this approach, we have control over the source code and we can guarantee its stability.
What will happen to MDB 4 and Bootstrap 4?
MDB 4 will continue to be supported and developed. Both MDB 4 and Bootstrap 4 are stable, mature products that are widely used by our customers and users, so we intend to develop these technologies as separate, still relevant products.
What will happen with jQuery?
Bootstrap 5 drops jQuery, but information about jQuery's death is greatly exaggerated. It is still one of the most popular libraries in the world, used by millions of projects. Its popularity is not declining at all, although it may not be growing as fast as it used to be. MDB does not intend to abandon jQuery, and support for this library will continue in MDB4, which will be maintained and developed as a separate project, independent of MDB 5 and Bootstrap 5.
I can't see Bootstrap files in MDB 5. Should I add them myself?
In MDB 5, Bootstrap is already included in the mdb.css and mdb.js files. In MDB 4 we loaded these files separately, but for simplicity in MDB 5 we combine everything into one mdb.css and mdb.js. Therefore, you do not need to add any other files.
Are there MDB 5 versions available for Angular, React and Vue?
Yes, they are.
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